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  1. Assignments - List the number of titles in the Content Catalog to which the bumper is assigned
  2. Bumper Name - Lists the name of the bumper as a link that will play the bumper in a preview window when clicked. Click on the link to preview the video.
  3. Start Date - The first date the bumper will play before assigned content.  If no date is set (displays none), then there are no restrictions and it will play until the End Date is reached.
  4. End Date - The final date the bumper will play before assigned content.  If no date is set (displays none), then there are no restrictions and it will play once the Begin Date is reached.
  5. Edit - Clicking the Edit button will display the edit page for the bumper
  6. Delete - Clicking the Delete button will delete the bumper after clicking OK on a confirmation screen.


Sort the list of bumpers by clicking any of the column headers.


Add Bumpers

To upload a file to use as a bumper, click the Add Bumper button.


      3. Click the Preview button to preview your video

      4. Add additional bumper data if desired (See Bumper Data below)

      5. Click the Upload & Save button at the bottom of the page

To Upload a YouTube Video

  1. Copy the YouTube URL from the web address bar or copy the link under Share

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2. Paste the link into the YouTube Video URL field


3. Click the Preview button to preview your video

4. Add additional information if desired (See Bumper Data below)

5. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page

Bumper Data

  1. File name - To change


  1. the name of the bumper


  1. , enter a title in the Display Name field


  1. Start Date and End Date  - The Start Date is the first date the bumper will play before assigned content.  If no date is set, then there are no restrictions and it will play until the End Date is reached


  1. . The End Date


  1. is the final date the bumper will play before assigned content.  If no date is set, then there are no restrictions and it will play once the Begin Date is reached.
  2. Assign bumpers to all titles - When On, the bumper will play before all titles


  1. in a random order.  When Off, the bumpers will only play before


  1. the titles that you (See Content Manager for details).

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Edit Bumpers

To edit the bumpers, locate the bumper in the Bumper Manager and click the Edit button.

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You may add or replace the bumper, click a single bumper by clicking the ellipsis (...) button.When to upload a new file or add a new YouTube link.

You may also edit any of the other bumper data, such as the file name, start and end dates, etc.

To edit multiple bumpers at one time, click the check box to the left of the Assignments column. When multiple bumper check boxes have been selected, the Bulk Edit and Bulk Delete buttons appear next to the Add Bumper button.Image Removed

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Bulk Delete Button - When Bulk Delete is clicked, the selected bumpers will be deleted after clicking OK on a confirmation screen.

Bulk Edit Button - When Bulk Edit is clicked, the Bulk Edit page is


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  • Assign bumpers to all titles - When On the bumper will play before all titles and the content list will be hidden.  When Off the bumpers will play before assigned content.
  • Search for a title - The content list will be filtered based upon the text entered in the search field.
  • Content list (list of all premium and custom content on a server)
    • Assigned - Checkbox used to assign content to the selected bumpers
    • Content Title - The name of the content
    • Release Year - The year the content was released if available
    • License Start Date - The first date of the contents license period if set
    • License End Date - The last date of the contents license period if set
    • Note: All fields can be sorted by clicking on header field


Assign all titles to all bumpers

On - When the "Assign all titles to all bumpers" setting is set to On, then all of the bumpers will play before all of the content and the Assignment field for all of the bumpers will display All.

