Online Requests

Online Requests

Save time requesting the titles to add to your Digital Campus online. 

Who can request titles? Instructors who self-register for an Instructor account may request titles as well as Site Administrators.

How does this work? Requests for titles are submitted via email. If you are an Instructor, your request will either be routed to the library or to Digital Campus, depending on your library's preferences. If you are an Admin who receives requests from faculty, simply forward the email request to your Digital Campus Account Manager with your approval, and we will add the content to your Content Catalog. If you have a deposit account and want all requests fulfilled automatically, your Account Manager will place the order right away.

When will I receive the titles? The turnaround time from requesting a title to having the title appear in the Digital Campus website depends on how soon the request is forwarded to Swank. The request form includes a date field to indicate when the title is needed, and we will work with whoever is approving the requests on your end to fulfill the content by that date or communicate the time frame. To expedite requests, or if you have a deposit account and want to streamline this process, we recommend that you add the Digital Campus email to the recipient list. 

How do I get started? Site Admins can learn more about this feature by viewing these videos or following the instructions below.

Overview of DDA and Mediated Requests

Designate a Title Request Administrator (Mediated Requests)

Any registered user may be designated to receive title requests from instructors.

  1. Under Email Notifications, locate the name of the user to receive title requests
  2. Check the box, "Title Request Admin" and a green check mark will appear
  3. Click Save All

Administrator Title Requests

 1. Use Advanced Search link to search for an unlicensed title.

 2. To request a title, click the Request button.

3. Enter the date you need the title to appear in the website along with the course and film use if you know these details. Complete the optional fields under "Request on behalf of" to easily track who requested the title so that you can let the requester know when it is available or later determine if the title should be renewed.

4. If you want to request one title, click the Send Request button. If you wish to search for other titles, click the Add to Queue button.

5. When you choose Add to Queue to request multiple titles, you may continue searching for titles. In the upper right hand corner, the list of requested titles and the quantity is displayed. When you are ready to submit your request, click Submit Request.

You will receive an email confirming that your request has been sent. You will either be contacted within a few business days with any questions about the request, or you will receive an email letting you know that the content is available in the Content Catalog.

If you completed the Request on Behalf of fields, the Instructor will receive an email when the content is available in Content Catalog, and you may also generate a Title Request Report (see Manage Requests below) to access the requester's contact information.

Manage Title Requests

When you receive the email requests from instructors, forward the email to digcampusmail@swankmp.com to officially order the content. If we have any questions, we'll let you know! 

To generate a report summarizing all of the requests for a designated time frame:

  1. Click the Reports tab on the Admin menu
  2. Enter the start and end date
  3. Click the Download Title Request Report
  4. A file summarizing the requests will be generated.