Email Notifications

Email Notifications

Email notifications keep you informed when new titles are available and make it easy to manage content expiration dates.

Title Premiere Emails

If your campus has enabled Online Requests, individuals with an Administrator or Instructor account will receive an email notifying him/her when the title is available in the Content Library. The email includes a content link, which makes it easy to view or share the content immediately.

As an Admin, save a step by completing the "Requested on behalf of" section of the title request form, and you will both receive the title premiere email. 

Unlike expiration emails, there isn't anything you need to do to enable this feature because it's automatic. 

Expiration Emails 

Below is a step-by-step process for creating a list of individuals to receive emails on the first day of each month listing all titles expiring over the next 45 days.  There's no limit to the number of recipients you may add, and you may edit the list at any time.

Add Email Recipient

Email recipients are not required to have a unique account or login to the portal to receive the notifications. Site Administrators, library staff and/or faculty may be included. There is no limit to the number of recipients.

  1. Log in as Site Administrator, and click the Email Notifications tab.
  2. Click the Add New Email Recipient button.

  3. Enter the email address, full name and position or department of the recipient. All fields are required. The information may be updated at any time, and changes will take effect immediately.
  4. Click the Save All button. A green check mark will appear under the Expiration Email column to indicate that your entry was successful.
  5. Sort your list at any time by clicking the arrows next to the column headings.

Update Email Recipient

  1. Log in as Site Administrator, and click the Email Notifications tab.
  2. Select the field(s) you wish to update and edit the information. (Note: Multiple edits may be made and saved at one time.)
  3. Click the Save All button.

Turn Email Notifications Off/On

You may keep recipients on the Email Notifications list but turn the expiration emails off and on depending on their preference and availability.

  1. Log in as Site Administrator, and click the Email Notifications tab.
  2. Locate the recipient(s) you wish to modify (Note: Multiple recipients may be changed and saved at one time.)
    1. Turn notifications off by clicking on the green arrow. The green check mark will disappear.
    2. Turn notifications on by clicking the empty box. The green check mark will appear. 
  3. Click the Save All button.

Title Request Admin

If your Content Catalog is set up for instructors to request titles to license, you may designate the individual who should receive the requests via email.

  1. Click the Email Notifications tab
  2. Locate the recipient and check the field under Title Request Admin
  3. Click Save All

Remove Email Recipient 

If a recipient no longer wishes to receive the notifications, you may turn off the emails but retain the recipient for future notifications (see above). Follow these instructions to remove recipients from all emails.

  1. Log in as Site Administrator, click the Email Notifications tab.
  2. Locate the recipient you wish to remove from the list. Click the Delete button.